Risk Committee

The Risk Committee of Tekfen Holding has been established in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles of the CMB. Independent Board Member Şevki Acuner, has been assigned as Chairman of the Committee and Mehmet N. Erten, Hamit Sedat Eratalar and Ömer İsmail Tanrıöver as Committee member.

The Committee;

a) Identifies risks that may threaten the existence, development and continuation of the Company, and takes the measures necessary to prevent them and acts to manage risk.

b) Reviews risk management systems at least once a year.

The Company's Board of Directors decided, the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee to be structured within the body of the Corporate Governance Committee, in compliance with the requirements stipulated in CMB Communiqué Series IV, No. 56. You can view the Duties and Responsibilities of these committees below.